In order to get a copy of the Meebhoomi 2022: जानिए आंध्र प्रदेश ‘मी भूमि’ पोर्टल के बारे में, users should be registered on MeeBhoomi. To register, users must have a valid Aadhaar number. Once registered, users can then view and make corrections to their land records. Users can also check the status of the land dispute with the help of the MeeBhoomi website. Once a user has successfully registered, the portal will automatically verify his details.
Here’s A Quick Way To Solve A Problem With Meebhoomi 2022
To access the Meebhoomi 2022 portal, the user should sign in using his or her Aadhaar number and district. This is the most straightforward way to register yourself. Once the user logs in, he or she can access various features such as land-related complaints. The website will also give them a chance to access the Meebhoomi portal’s official website and complain portal.
The MeeBhoomi portal is an online portal for land records in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It allows visitors to easily find information about their land, including its owner. Although the site is only available in Telugu, Google Chrome provides an option to translate the information into English. There are also many other features to explore. The site is user-friendly and offers easy-to-understand information.
After registering on the Meebhoomi portal, you can easily view and download your revenue court dispute details. After registering, you can view the details of the dispute by searching the district you’re looking for. The site will also display information about the dispute, including its ID, description, and who the petitioner is. In addition to court records, you can also access details of the person who filed the complaint.